
#16 How to Manifest Goals in Life – Dandapani Way

How does the Law of Attraction works? What is its process? Why Awareness will play a big part in Manifestation of your Goals?

Dandapani is an Entrepeneur, Hindu Priest and former Monk, who is one of the most sought after speaker, having given talks on a wide range of topics from Meditation to Improving Focus and many more.

In this blog post, I will share with you my understanding of a topic which gave new perspective, one which I never had heard earlier. So I was searching for Meditation and came up with 2-3 youtube videos which showed Dandapani explain how you can manifest things in your life.

Links to those youtube videos will be given at the end of this blog post so you can also view them.

Law of Attraction Explained

According to Dandapani, everything in this world can be seen in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. So, whatever my goal or whatever I want to manifest in my life, it could be a job, a contract, marital happiness, everything is basically Energy.

This Energy is Vibrating at a Certain Frequency. Imagine, a radio frequency of a program from a Radio Station available only at a certain frequency.

Now, in order for me to achieve that goal, I have to match the Frequency of that Energy with my own Frequency. Again consider the example of the Radio, we have to “tune” our own radio to that of the frequency of the radio station so that we can “receive” the radio signal.

So, how do we change our frequency so that we can match the frequency of whatever we want? This can be done by working on our Awareness.

Awareness – The Catalyst

According to Dandapani – we can change our frequency by directing our awareness to that part of our mind that will give us the feeling when we achieve that goal. This feeling can be developed by Affirmation.

According to Dandapani, Affirmation is “Concise Charged of Positive Words, Clear visualization and Feeling. Feeling being the most important one.

– Dandapani

Feeling or Emotion is a very important factor in Success. I must mention one of my earlier post on Emotion as a driver of Success. Please find it here.

Here, it is important to mention, how the mind works, according to Dandapani. The Mind has different areas such as Anger, Love, Envy, Enthusiasm etc. Awareness is like a charged ball moving from one area of the mind to other.

Each day, we can allow someone or something to take that ball from one place to other throughout the day. The choice is ours. But if we can develop Concentration, we know the art of keep the ball of awareness on one thing for an extended period of time.

So if we can work on our Concentration, we can focus our Awareness on that feeling that will help us match our frequency with the frequency of our goal. This will help us to manifest the things that we want in our life.

Concentration – Tough Nut

So how do we develop Concentration? According to Dandapani, Concentration is at the core of all human endeavors and success. For developing Concentration, Dandapani recommends to do one thing at a time.

Concentration demands that you bring your awareness back to keep the focus on one thing at a time. We have to practice concentration by doing 1 thing at a time. It could be focusing on talking with your spouse with undivided attention. And this process should be repeated throughout the day.

But Concentration and that too for extended periods of time demands Will Power.

Will Power – The Fuel

Without Will Power, I would loose my passion to remain concentrated and leave it mid way. Since I am out of concentration, I will not be able to focus my concentration on the feeling.

Dandapani has explained how to develop Will Power. To develop will power, there is a 3 step process:

  1. Finish what you begin
  2. Do little bit better than you think you can
  3. Do little bit more than you think you can

According to Dandapani, Will Power is like must around our mind. For us to develop Will Power, we must form the habit of finishing what we begin. Example is of completing all the processes that we have during the day. If we are going to sleep, we must go to bed, take the blanket, get up in the morning, make our bed. In this way we complete the process of sleeping.

Manifest Goals

Dandapani has a process through which we can actually implement the Law of Attraction to Manifest whatever we want in our life. It starts with developing Will Power, Channelizing that Will Power to bring my Awareness to that part of my mind that focuses on the feeling which is related to our goal realization.

Developing that feeling will help us tune our frequency to the frequency of whatever we want to achieve.

This process gives us a kind of logic for Affirmation and why does it work. Affirmation is one of the most talked about tools used by high performance individuals for goals realization.

I do hope that you would have got some ideas on Affirmation and how to create Powerful Affirmations, realizing the feeling related to that affirmation and finally visualizing it.

Please do let me know how did you like this post. Your feedback is very important for me to improve future posts.


P.S.: Following are some of the links that I used for writing this posts.

  1. Struggling with Self Discipline
  2. Secret of Monks
  3. Unwavering Focus

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