
#30 Experiences on Business (Learnings) By James Clear

Optimize for Time before Money, Reach Before Revenue

– James Clear

I have been following James Clear and usually catch most of his tweets. I am aligned with his ideas on productivity, personal improvement.

Today, I am going to elaborate on a couple of ideas that @Jamesclear shared in his 2020 Summary Thread on Twitter. For clarity, his Twitter Thread is posted here:

In this thread, he has shared his experiences, learnings in business as an Entrepreneur. I am inspired by all rules, there are some that I will elaborate bit more. They are:

  1. Optimize for Reach before Revenue
  2. Optimize for Time before Money
  3. Reduce the Scale, Not your Standards

Optimize for Reach

My understanding is that @jamesclear would focus more on improving the reach of products or services. Since the reach is inversely proportional to price, higher the price of my product, lesser the people would be able to afford it.

If you price it such that the product does not look exclusive in nature, more people will be motivated to buy the product. More people would mean more usage, more word of mouth and ultimately more reach.

Optimize for Time

It is usually a practice to try saving as much penny as possible. Decisions such as hiring, purchasing an asset, implementing a system would usually involve optimizing for money.

What @jamesclear suggests is to focus on optimizing for Time. Optimizing for Time would force me to improve my efficiency, to get as much work done as possible. This will force me to take decisions that gives me much time for myself.

When I have time for myself, I must spend it to build more time for me and not less. Spending a well earned time before screen to browse on social updates is not productive use. Spending time on loved ones is productive as it will enhance your relationships going forward.

Spending time on creating processes or systems for your organization is even more productive as it will reduce dependence on me and increase my time.

Never Compromise on Standards

@jamesclear wants to have high standards and aspire to apply to same standards to everything that we do. Be it your distribution, your products or communication, you must weigh them against the standards that you have set.

While improving the reach of my products, it might so happen that I get lenient on standards in order to increase my business. It might get me good business but I will suffer on my standards. If I measure up to my set standards all the time I will be able to create a sustainable brand that is clear and consistent.

End Note

My idea to curate ideas from well known authors and people of influence is to help my audience get the best of ideas at one place. Also, it would help me to dive deep into ideas and hopefully have better chances to implement them in my business and personal life.

I do hope that you would have got some food for thought from this post and you would implement them. Do let me know how you did it and maybe you can influence others to do the same.


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